[Sigia-l] Information Visualization
Beth Mazur
bowseat at bethmazur.com
Sun Nov 9 17:43:25 EST 2003
At 11:29 AM -0500 11/9/03, mhurst at markohurstdesigns.com wrote:
>Daniel wrote --
>>Does anyone have references to articles that explore the relationship of
>>information architecture with information visualization? My searching is
>You might try searching for Information Design.
Hmmm, as the author of the first link and as someone very familiar with
the second, I don't think either is a great resource for this specific query.
For me, information visualization is info design + info architecture on
steroids. Or in other words, it is an environment where the complexity of
the data and the use of it require heavy duty attention to both the structure
of the information and the presentation (or representation) of that structure.
The quick Google search I did turned up this paper, which seems to be in the
vicinity of the original query. Interesting stuff (big surprise, Ben Shneiderman's
involved). http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/plaisant98information.html
This list (http://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs348c-96-fall/resources.html)
also had some interesting possibilities for review, as did this one here
This is a really cool topic...hope we see more!
Beth Mazur
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