[Sigia-l] Re: Book Announcement: Ethnomethodological Systems Design [looong response]

joe joe at sokohl.com
Wed May 14 12:18:33 EDT 2003

Thanks for the heads-up, Derek. I too haven't read this book (not yet published in the States, apparently). I'd be quite interested in looking at it. 

I'm curious how it differs from such books as Ginny Redish & JoAnn Hackos's "User and Task Analysis for Interface Design" (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0471178314/sokohlcybersite/102-6392064-5456940) or Hugh Beyer & Karen Holzblatt's "Contextual Design" (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1558604111/sokohlcybersite/102-6392064-5456940).

I've been interested in this area since reading Redish/Hackos--and seeing Marc Rettig's great presentation at the first ASIS IA summit. I feel this area has great promise for IA and UX in general. Attending the CSCW conference last year also highlighted the interest that ethography (and ethnomethodology) holds for me.

Yet what...er...troubles me a bit by the review is the sources: not one CEO or business owner or line of business manager provides a testimonial. Instead, two university people and one person from a research center weigh in on the value of the book. My concern is that my VPs and senior VPs want to hear about bottom lines--cost versus value added. In today's post-dot-bomb economic climate, that's all I hear. I'm afraid my pleas for an observed approach to requirements gathering have fallen on deaf, budget-clogged ears.

I'd probably buy this book...but I'd hope for practical, how-to advice in it, rather than simply exhortations to the assembled hymn-singers :)

Just my quick thoughts.


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