[Sigia-l] Less than one-minute visits

Matthew Rehkopf matt.rehkopf at experiencethread.com
Fri Mar 28 08:44:43 EST 2003

Thanks, Beth, and the rest of you for your helpful comments. Working mainly
on internal web-based applications, this is one the first times I have
studied internet stats, and am finding your comments very helpful. (See,
this list can be for something other than defining IA.)

"What's the home page reject rate?"
How would you determine this using the newer version of WebTrends? I can
tell you that the 23% enter the site via the homepage and 13% left via the
homepage, but that stat does not necessarily mean that the visitor did not
go somewhere else first, then back to the homepage, and then left.
Furthermore, the homepage ranks #2 to Top Pages at 9% of total views with
1:51 avg. time viewed.  

We are filtering internal employees, so that does not come into play. 

Although, and perhaps I should have mentioned this earlier, in the top 20
paths through the site, only 4 of them have a second page, the other 16 are
all single pages. Many of these single pages are alternative URLs that point
to the same main page. Hmmm.


-----Original Message-----
From: Beth Mazur [mailto:bowseat at bethmazur.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 7:35 PM
To: sigia-l at asis.org
Subject: Re:[Sigia-l] Less than one-minute visits

> Reviewing the reports of a new client's website, I found that for one week
> almost 75% of visitors were on the site for less than one minute! 

Others here have offered some explanations for some of this. I cannot pass
up the chance to point that the noise in this stat (particularly for the old
of WebTrends that churns log files) is probably so high as to warrant a
huge grain of salt when you consider it. In the live version of WebTrends 
(which uses web bugs), the average visit length is total time spent on pages

divided by total visits. Assuming that the older version does something
similar, I'd be really cautious, as its method for computing visits is
particularly problematic.

In other words, garbage in, garbage out.

Analytics fans have argued that even though this stat measures all sorts
of junk (like how much time people are IMing their friends, going to the 
loo, and/or watching American Idol while surfing), any site with a decent
volume will have these noise effects muted and that in any case, the real
use is to view the trend. Maybe.

And of course, having a long average visit length isn't necessarily good. 
How do you know whether a long visit is due to site interest *or* having 
it take ten minutes to find something?

So, if I can channel my usability friends, the real answer is to find out
representative visitors. 

In your case, you may be able to find out that it is some simple explanation
like folks are actually being successful or you're not filtering out the
users (which as someone else said, you can do in the old WebTrends).
Then again, you may well have a problem with your site. (What's
the home page reject rate?) We had a problem once where a stupid
JavaScript bug showed up only for AOL users (a chunk of our audience).
Needless to say, having a JS error pop-up on the home page, given
folks concern about security and privacy, was not a way to entice folks
to keep browsing. Oops!

Beth Mazur
IDblog: http://idblog.org

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