[aifia-members] RE: [Sigia-l] The 3 Factors of I/A

Richard_Dalton at Vanguard.com Richard_Dalton at Vanguard.com
Wed Mar 5 10:27:01 EST 2003

Eric Reiss wrote: 
> Richard Dalton wrote:
> - Similarity of Content (group things based on their attributes, "put
> apples with apples")
> - User Tasks (group things based on how they're used, "put dip &
> salsa with the chips")
> - Business Goals (group things to influence a user, "put candy & 
> magazines near the checkouts")
> Hmm. A little too much "group" and not enough "select" and "identify"
> for my tastes.
> Organizations often have a lot of content that shouldn't be allowed
> to waste valuable cyberspace. And just as often, the IA can spot
> content that needs to be created if the site is to become usable,
> enjoyable, trustworthy, etc. Meeting business goals takes a lot more
> than just persuasion marketing as you seem to be suggesting.

I agree. I was being overly simplistic in order to focus on the 3 factors 
that inform the Information Architecture (and i'm using I/A to mean the 
structure / organization of the information). Assume that you've already 
"identified" and "selected" appropriate "things".

 - Richard Dalton

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