[Sigia-l] announcing the launch of the AIfIA Job Board

Listera listera at rcn.com
Sat Jun 21 21:15:57 EDT 2003

> ..."Really, it's become pretty hard to take this list very seriously.

Here then are some (constructive) suggestions:

1) You can stop flame baiting an entire list of people like this, if you
don't want to further inconvenience yourself.

2) You can start new threads which you think are "very serious."

3) You can elevate the level of discourse here to a "very serious" level, if
you think it's lacking.

4) You can use a variety of ways to filter posts that you deem not "very
serious." (If you don't know how, post your email client details and someone
here, I'm sure, will help you.)

5) All else failing, you can unsubscribe at:


6) If you need to advertise a book or an appearance after unsubscribing, you
can send it to me and I'll forward it to the list, gratis.

Nullius in Verba 

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