[Sigia-l] announcing the launch of the AIfIA Job Board
Coon, Sean
SCoon at Datek.com
Sat Jun 21 15:44:10 EDT 2003
Lou wrote: [snippet]
..."Really, it's become pretty hard to take this list very seriously.
OK, enough; AIfIA's job board will continue and will improve, thanks in
part to constructive feedback that we receive from all kinds of sources.
More constructive feedback welcome; the unconstructive stuff comes from
cannibals who are welcome to go and starve."
Personally, I find it extremely funny how this constituency is taken
rather seriously when it's time to pimp books. I'm not being
cannibalistic with this comment, and I'm not directing this comment
solely to Lou. If this list is really that pathetic, why are there waves
of self-promotion for months on end and then disappearing acts abound?
Are our "tireless, volunteers who hold the torch for IA" so taxed that
they can't participate/debate in the forum that represents the community
in a real format (good, bad, and ugly), but have no problem pushing
product on the masses here? Or is this forum -- a true representation of
people's thoughts on and *around* IA specifically -- too casual of a
place to represent the image of an IA in the professional consulting
world? You know, too many wrinkles.
This list has organically grown into a multi-dimensional IA/UX forum
over the years. To take a lighthearted stab at the constituency
participation structure, I'd say it lands somewhere around:
* Ziya
* Serious active participants
* Half serious/ half sardonic (you people are smart enough to look up
the word if you don't know it) posters (My peeps! Ha.)
* Noobs
* Job/Conference/Cocktail posters
* Lurkers (IA, industry, etc.)
* Book marketers/IA illuminati
Building an organization around this constituency, once again, would've
leveraged the *numerous* IA's and industry professionals that already
participate (on whatever level) here. So when "the so called human flesh
eating" folk bitch about AIFIA, it's not coming from, "Waaaah, you did
something in secret without me! Waaaaah!" It's because this community
wasn't leveraged (Marketing us with a $40 signup fee isn't leveraging
us, it's called "playing us").
Over the years, IA's and the industry as a whole have come to recognize
this **organic** forum as a place for leads on research, design issues,
knowledge transfer, networking, conference announcements and especially
job postings... for *FREE*. I guess that's not a solid model...
Let the pimping continue.
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