[Sigia-l] stats on card sorting thread

Chris Chandler chrischandler67 at earthlink.net
Sat Jun 7 11:28:40 EDT 2003

"Karl Fast" wrote:

> Some numbers about the card sorting thread and it's offshoots.
> Stats are from SIGIA archive between the first post (May 23
> @5:39EST) and now (June 6th @8:30pm EST).
>   168: total messages posted to SIGIA during this period
>    77: messages posted to card sorting thread
>    51: messages posted to card sorting by the four most frequent
>        contributors to the thread (at least 9 messages per person)

That's nothing! In my experience, IAs are willing to discuss trivial details of interactive design for far longer... as
it should be.

I've been waste deep in "trivial" details for weeks:

- does the navigation really have to look consistent here?
- are you sure we shouldn't just use "submit?" on the button? - when we link to a base page on the parent window from a
pop-up, which page should take focus?

> In other words:
>    46% of SIGIA messages in last two weeks have been on this thread
>    66% of the card sorting messages have come from 4 people

Personally, I only saw about half of those messages.

> I did this by hand.

And you wonder why people like to poke fun at LIS! Did you at least use an abacus?


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