R: [Sigia-l] CMS and IA

Listera listera at rcn.com
Wed Jan 29 17:16:53 EST 2003

"David Heller" wrote:

> Of course, document and content management does so much, from
> collaboration management, workflow management, publishing management
> (lifecycles & business processes), auditing and digital signing
> management, digital asset management (auto rendering), etc.

OK, I'll continue to play the straight man here :-) You don't need an
expensive CMS to do much of this stuff. In fact, you don't need and likely
won't be using CMS to do it. How's that prediction for the rest of the
decade? :-)
> You have a single point of content that can be published out in multiple
> formats.

Bingo. When the tools that generate the content (from QuarkXPress to Office
11) can easily publish in multiple formats tagged in XML and have the
ability to automatically deposit the results in a server or P2P space that
is accessible on the LAN as well as via the web, things fall into place. In
other words, content becomes smarter in context, rather than the current
reliance on an uber-app (CMS) that's trying to wrangle it into some order.

For example, I expect versioning to be built into the OS (Mac OSX already
has WebDAV built-in). I expect OSes to have vastly more enhanced metadata
management built-in. I expect OS-based directory services to be tied to
versioning, check in/out, access control functionalities. I expect zero-conf
clients auto-discovering other collaborating clients and integrating much of
their workflow seamlessly, which now require all sorts of post-production

In other words, I expect a lot of small stuff to become smarter in their own
way and interact with others based on open-standards, rather than a single
proprietary app trying to control an array of contextually dumb apps, as we
have today. I expect some use for CMS (as we know it today) in the short-
and medium-term. I expect the notion of large-scale CMS contraptions that we
have today to be broken into smaller frameworks and components that can then
be utilized by content creation apps to integrate into larger environments
via open-standards.

I expect to live long enough to see all this :-)



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