[Sigia-l] BBC

Listera listera at rcn.com
Wed Aug 27 12:43:51 EDT 2003

"prai at prady.com" wrote:

> I doubt if there's anything 'bold' about it...


Do you know of any other release of such massive quantities of entertainment
and non-entertainment material comparable to BBC's anywhere else in the

Can you imagine the sheer depth and breath of material that will be at your
disposal anywhere in the world to use in courseware, training, public
discussion, analysis, etc?

Can you imagine having a searchable index *and* the audio/video source of
news, for instance, by the premier newscaster on the planet being available
to anyone, anywhere, for free?

Can you imagine the pressure this puts on other comparable media
institutions around the world?

> however, we must talk about it's 'usefullness'.

Are you kiddin' me?

> A similar and 'bolder' attempt was made by MIT few years back.

It was announced in 2001, and most of the stuff came online just last year.
Here's the recent Wired article on how it's used around the world:


Nullius in Verba 

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