[Sigia-l] REQUEST: Presentations wanted on web metrics, enterprise-wide taxonomies, or information architecture as applied to intranet design.

Nichole McNeely nmcneely at usgs.gov
Mon Aug 11 14:38:39 EDT 2003

The Potomac Valley Chapter of the American Society of Information Science &
Technology (PVC ASIST) is actively seeking individuals within the
Washington-DC Metro area who would like to present papers or educational
presentations on one (or any) of the following topics for our Fall/Winter
program schedule:

1.  Analyzing web traffic metrics for user trends
2.  Building enterprise-wide taxonomies (or controlled vocabularies)
3.  Information architecture as applied to intranet design
4.  User studies in website development (for management)

Our chapter hosts programs throughout the year on various information
technology topics of interest to our membership.  Programs are held in the
evenings for an average crowd of 30 to 50.  We are seeking individuals
willing to present their papers or educational presentations on the above
topics (or something close).    We offer (besides a free dinner) the
opportunity to hone your presentation skills and network with others in
your area of interest.  Our previous speaking guests have been Liane Hansen
of NPR, Eugene Garfield, founder of ISI, Thom Haller of Info. Design, and
Denise Bedford, from the Worldbank.

The presentation must be general enough to cover the spectrum from
librarians to web developers, but suitable for our highly educated and very
inquistive members.  Dates and topics are highly negotiable.

If you, or anyone you work with, might be interested in this opportunity,
please contact me, Nichole McNeely, chair-elect of PVC-ASIST, at:
nmcneely at usgs.gov

Thank you.

Nichole McNeely
Chair-elect, PVC ASIST

USGS Office of Biological Informatics
Phone: 703-648-4360
nmcneely at usgs.gov

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