[Sigia-l] Quantitative measurement for IA performance review

Livia Labate liv at livlab.com
Fri Aug 8 14:01:38 EDT 2003

From: <barbara.g.young at rrd.com>
: I'm carving out a space in my company intranet as both IA and usability
: analyst (someone has to do this, and no one was). Now that they're willing
: to let me take on these tasks, my boss has asked me to come up with
: quantitative ways to measure my performance for the dreaded annual review.
: We've brainstormed measurements based on timeliness, quality, delivery to
: original scope, etc., but none of these work well in terms of what I do.

Barabara, you might like to join the IA Metrics list:


This group has a very interesting project to gather people's submission for
metrics like the ones you are looking for and analyzing their use and
application. Since there are no standards for IA metrics today, I think it
will be very helpful for folks looking for ways to justify their positions
(exactly what you are trying to do).  The project is still in its initial
stages, but I have been following their plans and it seems like it has a lot
of potential.

Livia Labate
http://livlab.com | liv at livlab.com

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