[Sigia-l] Re: Large Orgs

Listera listera at rcn.com
Thu Aug 7 12:38:12 EDT 2003

"Richard_Dalton at vanguard.com" wrote:

> Stewart / Ziya - just imagine how effective an agent of change you could
> have been if you'd been on the inside of those monster companies, or do you
> think that after a week of working as in "innie" your minds would have been
> subverted and you'd just be another corporate clone?

Neither. If you find yourself comfortable in a large org, consider yourself
lucky, don't rock the boat and be happy. But if you feel trapped in, then
don't delude yourself into thinking that you can change the organization in
any structural, fundamental way, as an IA. "Largeness" has a (business)
logic of its own.

For example, if your passion is creating innovative, standalone apps with
clean UIs, it'd be insane to go work for Microsoft. If you want to create
apps with features crammed in to tie into the MS family of apps/file
formats/workflow integration then MS can give you a platform to reach a
large user base. It'd be foolish to think that you can change MS. You just
have to understand the "largeness" factor inherent in the organization.

Nullius in Verba 

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