[Sigia-l] Are you ready for it?

John O'Donovan jod at badhangover.net
Mon Aug 4 21:43:28 EDT 2003

From: "Listera" <listera at rcn.com>

> ...to get their next job. It's a subtle but very telling distinction. Job
> title is an investment into the future. It's a foretelling of future
> expectations and ambitions.

Please restore my faith and tell me that not everyone is looking for a new
job! Surely somebody out there is content...

Upwardly mobile aspirations are what get you promoted out of the job you
like doing into one you can't and then you head straight into the Peter


The Peter Principle: In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His
Level of Incompetence

"...Dr. Peter shows how America's corporate career track drives employees
relentlessly upward -- until they get promoted into jobs they just can't do
and wind up desperately treading water, driving their colleagues crazy, and
dragging down productivity and profit..."

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