[Sigia-l] Are you ready for it?

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Aug 4 17:21:59 EDT 2003

"Christopher Fahey [askrom]" wrote:

> Both Content Architects and Interaction Designers claim the title
> "Information Architect"

Today's your lucky day then. You might want to look at this recent gem from
Bruce Tognazzini:

He starts with the title:

        "It's Time We Got Respect"

Continues with a boxed warning:

        "This is the most important column I have ever written."

And Leads with the highlighted blurb:
        "I have met the enemy and he is us."

So you know it's going to be bitter medicine *and* delivered via courtesy of
NNGroup :-)

AskTog: Why We Get No Respect

Pardon me if I have to go take a shower now.

Nullius in Verba 

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