[Sigia-l] Intranet as desktop?
listera at rcn.com
Wed Apr 16 14:12:13 EDT 2003
I think it's a lousy idea since this confuses the functions of application
launching, file tracking, file system management, doc storage, etc. with
information display and linking. Microsoft some time ago actually tried to
remake its desktop/Explorer as a web browser/portal, but gave up the idea.
Generally speaking the notion of grafting a limited control layer over an PC
operating system/desktop fails.
Not that it hasn't been tried. I would call up intranet portal companies
like Plumbtree and ask for references on such implementations.
"Katie Ware" wrote:
> Has anyone worked on a project (or even experienced as a user) an intranet
> that has been designed to become the user's desktop? Where access to things
> like email, calendar, bus apps (like Word, Excel), lunch menus, HR, as well
> as company info through portals (e.g., snapshots of financial performance,
> daily sales). The idea is the user has all they need to do their job from
> the Intranet.
> What I'm wondering is how this plays out - do users make the shift to using
> the Intranet as a launching point for all things work related?
Nullius in Verba
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