[Sigia-l] Information-centered Design

Joe 10 joe at joe10.com
Fri Apr 4 12:02:14 EST 2003

At 4:35 PM +0100 4/4/03, Jon Hanna wrote:
>>  One of the problems I see is that we (some of us anyway, to some
>>  degree) are, as JGG put it, artisans, and creative types tend to dig
>>  doing it their own way and bristle at the thought of being hemmed in
>>  by descriptive standards.
>I agree with pretty much all you said there except this bit.
>In my experience creative people tend to very rapidly reduce the possible
>actions they could take down very quickly to a small set within which they
>do their creative work. Magnitudes of speed over how quickly others do so.

Just so, but as you said, 'they' reduce it (the possible set).

Yes, constraints often improve the creative potential, etc.

When it comes to plugging in someone else's constraints, creative 
types (designers, programmers, system analysts and other creative 
solution providers) frequently balk and say "Oh, that doesn't fit my 
structured way of doing things" so they creatively create their own 

And when I say "they", I don't mean "you", I mean "me", as that's all 
I can speak to; but I probably mean "we"


Joe Tennis
Information Design Honcho
Joe 10 Group
2430 5th Street
Studio L
Berkeley, CA 94710
joe @ joe10.com
User Centered Design, Strategy and Marketing
for Web, Wireless and Interactive Media

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