[Sigia-l] the question of relevance -or- Old Spinach Rant

Derek R derek at derekrogerson.com
Thu Sep 19 18:19:04 EDT 2002

Relevance comes before truth (findability -- could you be loved?)
because the *act* of asking *presupposes the capability* -- to retrieve
data appropriate to a user's needs. 

(i.e. presumably one would not motion-to-act unless they thought it was
relevant to do -- that it *can* be done)

The just-to-be-sure-(path), an (act/eucharist/representation) to ask
that question again (could you be loved?)  *Matthew 5:37*  I/O system --

http://derekrogerson.com/things/turntaking.pdf (2.77M - sociology - the
trick Being not only to take-your-turn, but to know it is your _turn_ to
take. . . . to behave)

[i.e. the act of eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge

However, in (America) our IT-IS world, we're not asking any questions --
we're just shooting TV sets like Elvis. 

In IT-IS *the capability* is non-existent, in scale, yet we 'enterprise'
just the same. So we're in trouble then :-) -- as Nothing can be made
out of nothing. 

(The Tragedy of King Lear, Act 1. Scene IV -->

Bob Marley, Re: Trouble - "Exodus" -->
"If you're not wrong, then everything is alright."

"I have nothing to say, and I am saying it. And that is poetry."
 -- John Cage, "Lecture on Nothing"

"I came down here for a party, and what happened? Nothing. Not even
 -- Groucho Marx, "Animal Crackers" 

So that -- to try and assert the truth or falsity of an irrelevant
statement (no-thing, same) is a form of deception (absurdity) -- as
there obviously can be no truth or falsity to things unconsidered, or
rather, like-things.

"admit no foreign culture"
http://derekrogerson.com/things/pomo_no.pdf (17k)

Leave it out and put in a windshield wiper instead.

For instance, A=A=A (Zukofsky) is the kind of equivalence which inspires
(*act* of asking *presupposing the capability* -- Adam-to-atom, be-bop)

Send it that way and tell them the body will follow.

http://derekrogerson.com/things/gecko.pdf (208k)

In a deep sense (need) the seeking of 'relevance' or 'irrelevance' is
*necessarily* an exposure, a perception, position, arrangement, being, a
relation. (why locales - field)

Put it in a box.

http://derekrogerson.com/sounds/om-mani-padme-hung.wav (53k)

Each one by nature *seeks all* (scan) according to *their own way.*

http://derekrogerson.com/sounds/kerouac_2pm.au (21k)
http://staff.bath.ac.uk/hssjam/povertyofagency.pdf (42k)

When equality is sought by all, then all equally impede each other (we
are *all* kings and queens, princes and princesses, rasta farai).

Now, there are 2 fellas trying to attack you, aren't there? And there
are 2 fellas trying to defend you. Now that's 100% waste, Now why can't
you be attacked by your _own_ bodyguard? Your life will be saved and
that, uh, that's 100% waste. Now whaddya got? You've still got me, and
I'll attack you for nothing.

The wish to be praised or loved-by-all (findability), means to hate each
other. To seek to (separate) = (not good, polytheism)

We should seek to expel (purge) the 'con' man and his 'con' plan -->
http://www.mpp.org/USA/news_1420.html *contrary*

(No Categories! Marcus Garvey!)

By naturally seeking-all (scan) according to our own, we endeavor to
bring-it-about that no _one_ can possess (dynamism over singularity,
good over evil, one love). 

Haile Selassie, "Address to The United Nations Assembly" -->
http://derekrogerson.com/sounds/HIMunspeech.mp3 (13.3M)
Bob Marley, Lyrics to "War" -->

*nothing but amok* -->
"We might just be considered 'odd' by the world; yes, even crazy and
dangerous. . . . Whereas we believed that we represented the will of
nature to something new, to the individualism of the future, the others
sought to perpetuate the status quo. Humanity -- which they loved as we
did -- was for them something complete that must be maintained and
protected. For us, humanity was a distant goal, toward which all men
were moving, whose image no one knew, whose laws were nowhere written
down. . . ."
 -- Hermann Hesse, "Demian"

The most useful way is *delivery* (presentation) -- so that each
particular form of practice (greek-praxis) is the exemplar of an
underlying ideology 'to make new' (2). (2) Ezra Pound's famous
definition of the artist's task -- "MAKE IT NEW!" and Jesus, who said:
"Behold, I make all things new."

This shift in emphasis is from 'processing' to 'access' -->
http://www.iftf.org/html/iftflibrary/technology/sensors.pdf (62K)

looks forward to its *necessary* "Both, both" (interaction) philosophy
 -- Star Trek, "Star Trek: TNG Technical Manual"

** thought (sensor) and action (field) **

** thought (field) and action (sensor) **

prometheus builds a fire(!)

"Love is that which dwells on it's cause." 
 -- Spinoza

(perfect and self-sufficient)

All this to demonstrate (#) that there is no duality of 'this side' and
'that side' (parts/sorts) unless you become a part (think/part/sort).

Haile Selassie, "On Being (in kind) Yesus Christos" -->
http://derekrogerson.com/sounds/HIMnot.mp3 (510k)

Ernest Hemingway:
To die. In the rain.


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