[Sigia-l] FW: FC: Judge rules Americans with Disabilities Act doesn't cover web

Jody A. Hankinson hank99 at bway.net
Tue Oct 29 12:19:28 EST 2002

Does anyone know any more about this? Seems as though it would have some
pretty big implications on our practice.

 - Jody

Jody A. Hankinson  
   Information Architect ......| Interpreting strategy and processes
e: hank99 at bway.net             | into Internet applications.
t: 917.749.0910 

------ Forwarded Message
From: Declan McCullagh <declan at well.com>
Decision is here:



    Judge: Disabilities Act doesn't cover Web
    By Declan McCullagh
    October 21, 2002, 11:17 AM PT

    A federal judge ruled Friday that Southwest Airlines does not have to
    revamp its Web site to make it more accessible to the blind.

    In the first case of its kind, U.S. District Judge Patricia Seitz said
    the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies only to physical
    spaces such as restaurants and movie theaters and not to the Internet.

    "To expand the ADA to cover 'virtual' spaces would be to create new
    rights without well-defined standards," Seitz wrote in a 12-page
    opinion dismissing the case. "The plain and unambiguous language of
    the statute and relevant regulations does not include Internet Web


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