[Sigia-l] Elements Diagram usage permission

Joe 10 joe at joe10.com
Thu Oct 24 10:47:56 EDT 2002

Hey Jesse,

I have a couple lectures coming up and was wondering if you'd be 
amiable to my using your Elements diagram as a handout with all due 
credit, URLs to your site, mention of you book, etc.


At 3:26 PM -0700 9/19/02, Jesse James Garrett wrote:
>Some people would take great amusement in your characterization of 
>the author as a designer, however.

Joe Tennis
Information Design Honcho
Joe 10 Group
2430 5th Street
Studio L
Berkeley, CA 94710
joe at joe10.com
Interaction Design | Information Architecture | Usability Consulting
for Web, Wireless and Interactive Media
If you're not doing it, you're not doing it.

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