SV: [Sigia-l] RE: Geography

Listera listera at
Sun Nov 24 03:33:38 EST 2002

"Gunnar Langemark" wrote:

> I seriously believe that the swedes would do even better
> as compared to the americans...

One day I was sitting at a friend's place in Gamla Stan and the TV was on.
On what appeared to be a local quiz-type show a youngish woman was on stage.
After an answer the audience sort of gasped. I asked my Swedish friend why
they did. He said they asked her a question about Amsterdam and she said
she'd never been there. The audience was sort of incredulous. With so much
depressing darkness during the long winter, Swedes travel a lot. Heck, to
buy booze they get on a ferry to Finland every Friday:-) If you want to be
somewhere else six months out of a year, you'd learn a few things about
geography and maps, too. :-) I'm, of course, kidding. Where else in the
world people would have intra-city contests about whose city canals carry
more potable water?



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