SV: [Sigia-l] Clueless Band-Wagoning
Gunnar Langemark
gunnar at
Sun Nov 17 06:19:32 EST 2002
Dear Derek,
You don't have to be that aggressive just because not everyone agrees with
I'll try to explain my point of view a little by answering a couple of your
> No one seems to want to consider the philosophies/substance of the core
> AIfIA founding-members.
On the contrary. For instance we have had discussions on this list about the
dominance or bias stemming from the (percieved) dominance of IAs with a
Library Science background.
> My unfortunate impression of all this can only be that most of IAs do
> not care what IA is, what IA stands for, or any other matter of
> substance, ethics
Get real Derek, we're having an ethics discussion right now on this list!
> Who cares, right? As long as everybody is onboard and together,
> everything is A-ok, and one does not need to have any skill or knowledge
> within the discipline. Mommy will look out for you -- Safety in numbers.
I You take a look at the archives - You'll notice that there is a lot of
interest and concern regarding the definition of IA. Everybody cares!
> Does anyone on this list, or any IAs out there at all, have anything
> original to say or contribute -- or -- are you all *observably* blogging
> the exact same content (that is exactly the same) with the exact same
> results (0 comments)?
> Is that what IA blogging is all about -- being the worst kind of
> syndicators? Like TV Land for the Web?
I'm sure IA discussions will continue even after the establishment of AIfIA.
But it IS a point of consolidating a discipline - to agree about some
things. If that is syndicated blogging of same content and thus beeing a
sheep, that may be part of the point. Corporate management is not often very
interested in 'substance'. If You want to sell your skills in competition
with other disciplines - You better be aware of that!
> I do not have personal issues with anyone here, there, or anywhere. But
> I have never I seen such a large-scale, mass denial of what is arguably
> 'better' in favor of preference for individuals and 'band-wagoning.' I
> guess most IAs have too much invested in specific individuals (yes-men)
> to alter their mindless course. It would appear *all* that most IAs see
> is the ass of the person they are following. Perhaps this is as far as
> their vision will allow?
I do not agree with the people behind AIfIA on all issues. History of this
list shows it. However I don't have to - in order to support the
establishing of an organization, and I don't have to in order to join.
I vote and I am member of a party in my country, but even this morning I
found myself disagreeing with my party on a very important political issue.
The point is - If you can't set aside some of this - you will end up
thinking, discussing, arguing and never ACTING!
Being able to DO, and not just opionating, does have some value - I think.
> Do you not understand it is alright to think for yourselves? Why do I
> feel like Galileo with his round-earth before the Church?
You have every right to have your opinion. So does everybody else.
When Galileo maintained his opinion about the shape of the earth, he did so
after having sworn off that same opinion in court. He lived with the
disagreement. Everybody knew that. Not every issue can be resolved here and
(I know that You will argue that Galileo was RIGHT and the Church was wrong.
But the majority was not ready for that wisdom at that time. Things take
time to sink in.)
Stay with us and voice your opinion. You may move some of us - if you allow
some time.
Please don't auto-incinerate Derek..... ;-)
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