[Sigia-l] The Menace The How

Derek R derek at derekrogerson.com
Thu Nov 14 15:17:48 EST 2002

>| As in many young fields, those who define it
>| by publishing books that all of us in the field
>| are buying, quoting and referring to as "bibles"
>| have become industry leaders by the virtue of
>| their being quoted by practitioners, interviewed
>| by the media and invited to speak at various
>| industry conferences

Noreen, I think you are missing the point.

This small group of people are single-handedly 'defining' the field all
of us work in by publishing their *own* books as representative of
everybody, quoting *each other* favorably on their book's back-covers,
quoting *themselves* in communications, interviewing *themselves,*
offering their *own* names as credentials, organizing their *own*
conferences and selecting *themselves* as key speakers, etc etc.

And again, I would point out that honest attempts at discussing
gaping-holes in their core philosophies are ignored and scoffed at,
sending out only lesser-demons in *their* command who deal only with the
weakest aspects of the weakest charges.

It is all very clique-like and disappointing. {sigh}

Ziya wrote:	 
>| In some professions like journalism, it would be
>| considered a duty of everyone to fight against the
>| emergence of an organizations that would selectively
>| qualify who can and cannot be a 'member' of the 
>| profession.

Amen to that!

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