[Sigia-l] Re: UE salary survey results

Mark and Tania schuhmacher at optushome.com.au
Sat Nov 2 11:05:09 EST 2002

Sorry for the delay. Here are the results of the salary survey for 
usability/HCI professionals conducted by myself and another CHIWEB member.
Please don't be overly critical of the science and technology involved 
as it was a quick effort and we had limited tools.  Thanks to Jeremy 
Harrington for his assistance.  

The 22 responses which mailed to me direct (before we set up the URL) 
have been entered by me directly into the results spreadsheet and deleted.


Country                   RESPONSES (N)        

United  States |*|    158
Canada *     8
Japan ^         2
Europe #      29
Australia @  8  

Country                   ANNUAL GROSS SALARY (USD)      

United  States |*|    USD78,999
Canada *        USD45,525
Japan ^           USD61,647
Europe #         USD46,332
Australia @    USD51,990                                        

Country                    ANNUAL GROSS SALARY (LOCAL CUR)    

Canada *        CAD 70,915
Japan ^        JPY 7,532,646
Europe #         EUR 46,476
Australia @    AUD 91,974


United  States |*|  5
Canada *   5
Japan ^    5
Europe #    5
Australia @   3  


United  States |*|        USD98
Canada *                     USD105
Japan ^                         USD134
Europe #                      USD111
Australia @                  USD83


* Whilst there was only a sample size of 8 for Canada, there was little 
variance between earnings which ranged from USD31,250-60,444.

^ 2 responses were received from India and 1 from Singapore.  As 
salaries for India were substantially lower than those for Japan, these 
were not included as they would have skewed the results for Asia.  Only 
1 person from India stated their annual salary which was US8800.

# There was no significant difference between UK and rest of Europe 
results (and as such these have been consolidated for easier comparison 
with other studies - refer www.nngroup.com/reports/salary).

@  Results from Australia not likely to be representative of the broader 
population as there was only a small sample size (n=8) and earnings 
ranged from  USD27,000-86,509.   I believe the top figure is not an 
error based on my understanding of Australian UE professionals are earning.

The average salary for usability professionals in the US was $78,999 . 
 This is fairly consistent with findings from previous studies done in 
the last couple of years  (UPA 2000 $70,094 in 2000 
http://www.upassoc.org/voice/survey/2000_survey.html#salaryall) and 
Nielsen Norman Group ($67,118 in 2001 in www.nngroup.com/reports/salary).

|*| More detailed breakdown for US results by years of experience 
(unfortunately only possible for US due to their higher response rate).

Gross Annual Salary (USD)                       Years Experience
62,727                                                            1
66,902                                                            2-4
92,211                                                            5-7
93,200                                                            8-10
107,192                                                         11-15
112,333                                                         16-26

Thanks to all those who participated.   Apologies if it is difficult to 
read due to the lack of formatting but I have to post as "text only" 
otherwise it will not be distributed to list.   I could publish results 
on a site but then it may not be in there in the future if someone is 
looking through the archives.

Tania Lang
UXP Consulting
Brisbane, Australia
tanialang at uxp.com.au
PH: +61 419 732 142

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