[Sigia-l] NetContent/Chicago's May meeting: "Say Something: Creating an Authentic Voice for your Content"
Hilary Marsh
hilary at pen4hire.com
Thu May 23 08:20:17 EDT 2002
AMC presents NetContent/Chicago's May meeting:
"Say Something: Creating an Authentic Voice for your Content"
Tuesday, May 28th @ 6:30pm at the Illinois Institute of Art, Rm. 124
Share case studies, put our heads together, learn from one
another...and most of all, discuss content with a room full of peers!
Join us for these terrific discussion groups:*
- Raising Your Voice (Nancy Gershman): Not all clients (internal or
external) understand Voice - especially if there is no brand identity
to begin with. Extending the online voice to offline media or vice
versa can get very political. And sometimes you want to carry tone
and language through an entire site (and e-CRM), but sometimes you
don't. Who knows best? You tell us.
- Selling Voice Up the Ladder (Brian Jones): What happens in a very
vertical company when you've been successful selling the Voice from
the brand manager on up, but there's an impasse with upper management
who suddenly spin around and say, "This isn't our brand!"? Let's
explore the most common scenarios with agency-based vs. in-house
corporate web teams.
- Selling Brand/Voice from the CEO Down (Paul Bryant): Conversely,
when the CEO/Founder is the brand, how do you make sure the Voice of
the web site is an honest expression of the founder's original vision
and persona, even if that requires challenging management's own
concept of mission? Not easy, but let's find out how it's been done!
Our discussion leaders will be:
Nancy Gershman, Content Developer (ngersh at rcnchicago.com)
Brian Jones, Content Developer, Giant Step Communications
(bjones at giantstep.com)
Paul Bryant, Creative/Marketing Leader (CreativeDaddy at Hotmail.com)
The Illinois Institute of Art
350 North Orleans/ Apparel Center, 1st floor, Rm. 124
6:00 - 6:30 Doors open, light buffet opens (pizza, salad, soda), networking
6:30 - 7:15 Attendees' quickie introductions; 10 minute card swap
7:15 - 8:15 Discussion groups commence
8:15 - 8:30 Mingling!
Admission is FREE for AMC members and full-time students with ID;
non-members $10.
* We'll be capturing notes from all the May 28th discussion groups
and posting it on the NetContent/Chicago website
http://www.communityzero.com/netcontentchicago. Stay tuned for the
Net Content/Chicago, a newly formed network organized by a diverse group
of content professionals, hosts monthly events covering topical issues for
the online content industry. Net Content/Chicago is a Special
Interest Group of the Association for Multimedia Communications. For
more information, contact Net Content's founder, Hilary Marsh,
hilary at contentcompany.biz.
See you there! If you can make it, please respond via email.
Hilary Marsh
content company inc
plan * create * manage
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