[Sigia-l] Automated Testing Tools

Joe 10 Enterprises joe at joe10.com
Mon May 20 18:24:36 EDT 2002

I know I'm in the distinct minority here, but I like remote tools 
(never been sure why they're called automatic). They certainly don't 
replace more anthropological methods, but the compliment them well. 
They can be great ways to suggest external validity to the results of 
your more focused testing and will frequently point out other 
directions for future tests.

I find results most useful when the feedback is task specific with 
intra-page event trapping. I've never used NetRaker, so can not speak 
to it.


At 2:57 PM -0500 5/20/02, Katie Ware wrote:
>Hi -
>I'm wondering if anyone has used and/or evaluated any of the 
>automated testing tools such as Netraker. I'm particularly 
>interested in thoughts on these types of tools work in conjunction 
>with more traditional in-person testing. For example, is there a 
>tendency to do more of the automated and less in-person? Other 
>questions are: is it better for a less complex site not too many 
>levels of navigation? Is intercepting a user on a site the most 
>frequent way to recruit?
>thanks -
>Katie Ware
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Joe Tennis
Information Design Honcho
Joe 10 Enterprises
2430 5th Street
Studio L
Berkeley, CA 94710
joe at joe10.com
Usability Consulting | Information Architecture | Interface Design
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