[Sigia-l] multiple search index usability/conceptual model
Eric Scheid
eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Thu May 16 15:55:01 EDT 2002
From: Ziya Oz <ZiyaOz at earthlink.net> (17/5/02 5:40)
>Technically it'd be quite straightforward, but tedious
It would only be straight-forward if terms were unambiguous in any
overlap between contexts. Searching for a "short" film in an Australian
database would pull back products of up to 59 minutes in one context, and
in another context would be limited to 29 minutes or less. When the user
asks for "shorts", are they asking "show me what you think 'shorts' are",
or are they hoping for the DWIM chip to intercept their sloppy language
and limit to only 29 minutes or less?
Unfortunately, logic and top-down sensibilites don't apply to
vertical-niche databases ... they are often the end result of decades of
political re-definitions and maneuverings, and weird things creep in. For
example, for some mad reason there is now funding grants available for
"short features", which are actually longer than 59 minutes (or 29 mins
for doco's), but shorter then typical features (eg. 90 minutes). Don't
ask me why - some politician some where thought it'd be a good idea.
So now, searching for "short" can pull up 89 minute features :-(
/me runs screaming from the room
eric at ironclad.net.au i r o n c l a d n e t w o r k s
information architect http://www.ironclad.net.au/
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