[Sigia-l] Site Critique Permissions

Maribeth Sullivan maribeth at madiganpratt.com
Thu May 16 10:25:34 EDT 2002

I'm sure this topic was touched on at some point, but can't seem to find it
in the archives (it may have been tangential to other discussions): When
publicly deconstructing websites or publishing critiques with screenshots of
company websites to illustrate good or bad web design elements, what sort of
permissions should be obtained?

What are the ethical considerations? What are the legal considerations? Does
it make a difference if your publication is a book, white paper (free or for
sale), website article or blog?

Maribeth Sullivan,
Information Architect
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Madigan Pratt & Associates
220 Middlesex Rd.,  Darien CT 06820
PH:203.656.4560 | FAX:203.656.4546
Integrated 1-to-1 Marketing Consultants

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