[Sigia-l] IA and medium

Lord, Ralph rsl3 at cdc.gov
Mon May 13 10:12:22 EDT 2002

Sorry not to have jumped in on Christina's side yet.  Maybe some variants of
the question will be more answerable/palatable:

What is is about IA as practiced by folks who work on websites for a living
that makes this form of IA different from pre-existing forms?

Is there a type of IA that really is unique to the web?

What new tricks, techniques, practices have arisen from the practice of IA
for websites?

Is library science the "real name" of IA?(or is IA the real name for what
website-building people do - however it may be related to library science?)

It's not a duh, but it's not obvious why it's not a duh.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christina Wodtke [mailto:cwodtke at eleganthack.com]
> Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 10:00 AM
> To: sigia-l
> Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] IA and medium
> > Of course IA is not medium specific!  What about
> > Melvil Dewey's classification system, or the Library
> > of Congress classification system, or Dublin Core?
> > Those are all architectures for information.
> As I said, it is applicable to other mediums, but is it in it's most
> realized form in the web/internet? The classification systems 
> you mention
> were neatly seen to by librarians. Is an IA only a librarian 
> with a fancy
> title? What makes an IA not a librarian?
> I know it sounds like a duh, but I think it is more complex that that.
> Content Management Symposium, Chicago O'Hare Marriott, June 28 - 30.
> See http://www.asis.org/CM
> ASIST SIG IA: http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIA/index.html
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