[Sigia-l] Content management resources (request)

Thomas Vander Wal thomas at vanderwal.net
Wed May 1 13:58:05 EDT 2002

I am a fan of the CM Bible that you have listed below.  The Bible covers 
every issue I have had to address and many of the best practices that 
help ensure CM is on the right track.  The Hackos book is much lighter 
and does not cover the best practices (or what I have found to bring 
success) of CM.

I would also suggest on a tangential note the XML and SQL: Developing 
Web Applications, by Daniel K. Appelquist (ISBN: 0201657961).  This book 
helps carify the relationship (no pun intended) on how to best take 
advantage of a relational database and XML, which is always helpful when 
building CM and integrating existing content stores.  This book is a 
quick read and will provide a solid overview and open doors for options 
that are often not presented in some sectors of the CM world.

All the best,


John Fullerton wrote:

>I'm doing research about Content management and will appreciate any recommendations. I'd like resource references giving an overview of the subject, describing reasons for content management, methods, applications, and strategies. The main application for me right now is Internet site content management. The following two books have high ratings online.
>Content Management for Dynamic Web Delivery
>by Joann T. Hackos
>Content Management Bible
>by Bob Boiko

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