[Sigia-l] unemployed?

karl fast karl.fast at pobox.com
Tue Jun 4 23:11:23 EDT 2002

> My theory: Library Scientists have found themselves suddenly
> extremely relevant on a massive scale because this new dimension
> uses contextual relevance as its central nervous system. But that's
> just one sliver. I keep wanting IA to be more than that.

Having spent the last year getting my MLIS I would add the following

 - LIS folks have always believed they've been relevant.

 - They have also considered themselves long overlooked.

 - They are still having a hard time convincing people of their
 - They are, in general, well liked and respected. I have a friend
   who does web development work and everytime somebody gets mad,
   she slips in the fact that she's a librarian. They are no longer
   mad. They can't get mad at librarians. Works every time she says.

 - They have done a terrible job selling themselves and only a
   mediocre job moving their skills outside the traditional library
   setting (if they did a good job I think you'd see a lot more CIO
   jobs going to folks with an LIS degree, although they'd probably
   need an MBA too).


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