[Sigia-l] Job Opportunity -- Dallas Area

Paula Thornton PAULA.THORNTON at prodigy.net
Fri Jul 12 15:46:47 EDT 2002

Forward all responses to Cody Hawk (chawk at adea.com)

Interaction Architect
Collect artifacts and create related deliverables to 
globally define call center activities from a 
representative's perspective. Work closely with 
business units, clients, and end-users to identify job-
specific responsibilities and taskflows.  Analyze 
existing and in-progress applications to determine 
application workflow and related data inventories. Map 
taskflows to applications by role/location, etc. 
Contribute to the overall development of innovative 
application interface solutions. Articulate and defend 
best-practices for standard functional interaction 
components (wizards, error handling, etc.).

Experience: While dot.com related experience is a 
must, previous work experience in more traditional 
Systems Engineering methods is also required.
Education Level: 4-Year bachelors degree in Business, 
Technical Communications, Information Science, user 
interface related field, and/or equivalent experience.
Estimate: 1 resource

Paula Thornton
Interaction Design Strategist
'...putting people and process before technology to deliver solutions'

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