[Sigia-l] Marcia Bates on Web-era information retrieval

Louis Rosenfeld lou at louisrosenfeld.com
Wed Jul 10 13:42:52 EDT 2002

A fresh must read:  "After the Dot-Bomb:  Getting Web Information Retrieval
Right this Time" by UCLA's Marcia Bates (of berry-picking fame).

The abstract:  "In the excitement of the "dot-com" rush of the 1990's, many
Web sites were developed that provided information retrieval capabilities
poorly or sub-optimally.  Suggestions are made for improvements in the
design of Web information retrieval in seven areas.  Classifications,
ontologies, indexing vocabularies, statistical properties of databases
(including the Bradford Distribution), and staff indexing support systems
are all discussed."

Full article in First Monday:  http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue7_7/bates/


Louis Rosenfeld
information architecture consulting

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