[Sigia-l] Any thoughts/experiences with Plumtree?

Victor Lombardi victorlombardi at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 10 13:25:54 EDT 2002

In my experience Plumtree is usually used to create a
portal (aggregating content and controlling modular
layout) and Interwoven is used as a content management
system (inputing content and providing some mechanism
for it to be displayed). So you might use Plumtree
*and* Interwoven; using only one won't give you true
CMS+Portal functionality.

One of the big criticisms of off-the-shelf CMS
software is that it often requires a lot of
customization. Using portal software like Plumtree is
often a way to simplify development of the display
part of the system.

It's a huge area with a lot of issues ("It depends").
In general, Plumtree is very good, especially if you
want to use web services to aggregate your
information. I recommended searching the CMS list for
more info:

And here's a little subjective-but-wise advice:

--- joe  <joe at sokohl.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> a team I'm working with is considering Plumtree or
> Interwoven as a content management solution...

Victor Lombardi
Information Architect  +  Interaction Designer
Work: http://www.razorfish.com
Personal: http://www.noisebetweenstations.com
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