[Sigia-l] 3-D workflows

Joe 10 Enterprises joe at joe10.com
Wed Jul 10 03:23:41 EDT 2002

At 12:57 AM -0400 7/10/02, Christopher Fahey [askrom] wrote:
>Let me restate that: a so-called 3D information space is NOT really a 3D
>information space unless the viewer can move their perspective around
>the information space in three dimensions. A 3D pie chart is just a 2D
>pie chart unless you, the viewer, are able to move your perspective
>around to view the far side of the pie chart, to rotate around it.

Have any of you used VisVip, one of the Web Metrics tools from NIST? 
I lost consciousness after about a week of trying to get it to 
install, so have never run it locally, but when I was in DC a couple 
months ago I was at NIST and got a tour of their labs and a demo of 
the software and thought it was pretty cool. It maps a site into 
(true) 3D space and which you can pan, tilt and  and reposition your 
POV within.

Not to mention the ability to layer click stream data over the 3d 
projection along with page visit times as little stacked thermometer 
thingies on pages... A little "black background and aliased lines" 
for my way of doing things, but pretty cool all the same.

Joe Tennis
Information Design Honcho
Joe 10 Enterprises
2430 5th Street
Studio L
Berkeley, CA 94710
joe at joe10.com
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