[Sigia-l] web-based content management system

Lalala lalala at mac.com
Tue Jul 9 04:37:44 EDT 2002

> The question is what are those companies that installed the Vignettes and
> the $5 million CRM packages and Knowledge Management contraptions doing
> these days of budget cuts and staff reductions?

Editors have now some hard times with their products maybe because of that
attitude... From a $3 million package who never really fit your needs, you
can now have a truly good product for about 10th the price.

Try http://day.com/en/product.html a real full web-based content management
system for less than 300 000 without

It's not so bad finally... You can have now a good product for less than you
never imagined 2 years ago!

Thanks to the banks who paid for the beta products from Vignette, Documentum
or Bradvision.... ;-)


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