[Sigia-l] various definitions of 'information'

George Olsen george.olsen at pobox.com
Tue Dec 31 13:27:15 EST 2002

Well since it _is_ New Year's and heavy drinking and heavy philosophizing
are involved (just like college dorm rooms <g>) I'll jump into the
discussion against my better judgement.

christina wodtke said:
> which suggests we can design information, but not knowledge or data-- an
> interesting way to look at it.

I agree. Data just is. Knowledge only comes through the insights of the
particular individual (although certainly it can be shared). In the middle
ground is "information," which we can help shape, by organizing and
clarifying data.

> It seems to-- reminds me of experience design-- can you design an
> experience? If a tree falls in the woods..?

Sure. People have been doing so for eons. Narrative is all about designing
experiences, as is architecture, interior design, etc. That said, there's
nothing that says the audience has to _accept_ the experience that you've

The essence of "camp" rests of these differences between intent and
intrepretation. Ed Wood thought he was making a scary movie with "Plan 9

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