[Sigia-l] RE: making the case for field research for innovation

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Dec 16 18:27:31 EST 2002

"Laura Scheirer Quinn" wrote:

> I've found that simply calling contextual inquiry "user interviews" can do
> wonders for people's buy in here.

Every time one has an urge to be super-definitive or plain ostentatious,
it'd be instructive to put one's self in the position of an old lady at a
doctor's office. The doctor could really impress the hell out of her by
referring to her intramuscular contusion and the potential of Myositis
Ossificans or to her leg bruise and the danger of bone forming within the
muscle if she self-treats it improperly after an accident.

(Not sure why I gave that example, but there it is. :-)



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