[Sigia-l] making the case for field research for innovation

Challis Hodge challis at challishodge.com
Fri Dec 13 14:16:03 EST 2002

Listera wrote:
> Field research may lead to innovation or invention (not necessarily
> interchangeable, BTW) or may actually hinder it. The latter by
> pandering to
> what customers might think they need/want today, as opposed what
> they might
> need/want in the future. Sometimes you have to follow customers, sometimes
> you have to lead them. It depends.

I agree about the lead or follow comment, however, one of the common
misconceptions about field research is that it relys on customer preference,
insight or knowledge. To the contrary, the best application for field
research in the innovation realm is to uncover latent or unmet needs through
identification of patterns of human behavior. These patterns can then  be
used as a basis for exploring new or alternative products or services.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Challis Hodge

challis at challishodge.com
fax: 253-295-4700
aim: cha11is

customer-centered design, technology & business

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