[Sigia-l] Texts in e-book (Microsoft/Adobe Reader) format

Mary Wisnewski mary.wisnewski at nortelnetworks.com
Tue Dec 10 15:06:18 EST 2002

My spouse-o has been reading electronic texts on his train commute.. so I
asked him about his experiences & I forward them here.


Bill Walker wrote:
I have been using the iSilo document reader (http://www.isilo.com/) on both
a Palm Vx and a Sony Clie T615C to read the ten Edgar Rice Burroughs Mars
novels during my caltrain commute between Santa Clara and Belmont. I
downloaded the novels from Project Gutenberg, did some minor reformatting in
a text editor, and then installed them on the handheld using iSiloX.

I find iSilo to be a perfectly usable means of of doing recreational
reading. The Clie's thumbwheel is especially nice for reading because it
allows one to hold the unit and "turn pages" with one hand. Although this
setup would be ill-suited for reviewing technical documentation or skimming
through large numbers of email messages, it is a nice way to enjoy
recreational reading without having to carry around lots of paper.


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