[Sigia-l] Any one ever hear of this organization?? New Study Optimistic for the Future of Web Professionals

H. Jay Melnick jmelnick at coloradio.com
Wed Aug 28 19:48:37 EDT 2002


Got this today...but I've never heard of these people before...Has any body 


>To: editor at coloradio.com
>From: robert at joinwow.org
>X-Info1: woweb is a customer of interestalert.com
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>Subject: New Study Optimistic for the Future of Web Professionals
>X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.2 required=14.8 
>tests=NO_REAL_NAME,SUPERLONG_LINE version=2.20
>Dear H JAY,
>My name is Bill Cullifer and I am the Executive Director for the non 
>profit professional association World Organization of Webmasters (WOW). I 
>am writing to you today with a personal request to consider the following 
>piece as something positive to write about. In short, the Internet is not 
>dead. Far from it!
>Thanks in adavnce for your time.
>Folsom CA, August 21, 2002- The non profit professional association, World 
>Organization of Webmasters (WOW) is pleased to announce that a recent 
>survey conducted by the Information Technology Association (ITAA) reports 
>that despite a significant downturn in the economy and the demise of many 
>dot coms, the demand for Web professionals remains strong.
>The report entitled "Bouncing Back": Jobs, Skills and the Continuing 
>Demand for IT workers attributes the growing demand for Web professionals 
>to the global spending of $633 billion dollars on Electronic Commerce in 
>2001 According to the survey "Behind each sale, catalog website, 
>electronic procurement or e-commerce portal is a Web developer or a team 
>of developers and administrators". "This is good news for those currently 
>working in the field or for those that are considering starting a Web 
>professional career." said Bill Cullifer, Executive Director for WOW.
>The recent ITAA report is consistent with WOW's own research and efforts 
>over the last five years working with industry and education to develop 
>the standard for quality education, training and certification for Web 
>professionals everywhere. "By publishing the skills required by business 
>and industry, certification standards will save aspiring and practicing 
>Web professionals and the educators that teach them valuable time and 
>money by outlining a detailed pathway to the skills employers require the 
>most. Web professionals with technical, business, design, and project 
>management skills are, and will continue to be, the most in demand and 
>will receive the highest compensation", said Cullifer.
>In addition to supporting self study by participating in the publishing of 
>books, cd-rom's and online resources, WOW also provides colleges, 
>universities, training companies and high schools with the availability of 
>a "turn-key" curriculum. This curriculum was developed in partnership, 
>with the University of Washington, Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), Web, 
>Pearson/Prentice Hall and the U.S. Department of Education's (thanks in 
>part to a generous $1.4 million LAPP grant).
>Other initiatives include collaboration with industry giants like the 
>Adobe Corporation and Cisco Systems offering Web Designer curriculum based 
>on WOW certification standards. Apple Computer in collaboration with 
>ID4theWeb and Macromedia have developed a quality curriculum program 
>available at Apple centers nationwide, mapping to WOW'S certification programs.
>Other statistics of the ITAA survey include:
>Companies surveyed are optimistic about future hiring over the next 12 months
>Largest demand for Web professionals seen in larger non-IT companies
>80% of all IT workers are employed by small companies
>92% of IT workers are employed by non-IT companies
>Outsourcing continues to grow in popularity among non-IT companies
>Most desirable specific Technical Skills for Web Professionals include: C 
>++, SQL, Java XML, Perl, HTML and SQL Server, TCP/IP and Visual Basic
>Overall, certification has grown in significance for each job category
>Money remains the primary retention tool according to hiring managers
>Applicants with mid level skills sets are most desired (more pronounced 
>among IT companies than non IT)
>Large shortage expected of qualified candidates (600,000) for 2002
>Management and employability or "soft" (not just technical) skills play an 
>important role
>About WOW
>WOW, a non-profit, membership supported organization for web professionals 
>provides education, support and guidance to the growing and diverse 
>population of Web professionals around the world. WOW certifications, 
>including the premier Certified Professional Webmaster (CPW), are premised 
>on standards of competency derived by industry experts for Internet 
>design, programming and administration.
>For more information contact: Bill Cullifer at 916 608-1597 or 
>bill at joinwow.org
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>Please send any comments to robert at joinwow.org

H. Jay Melnick                                   Editor at ColoRadio.com
ColoRadio Communications Group       (303) 368-9912
10670 E. Bethany Dr., #4                    Aurora, CO 80014
                         "G-D Bless America"

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