[Sigmed-l] MLA Lindberg Research Fellowship
Patricia.McNary at mcphs.edu
Patricia.McNary at mcphs.edu
Fri Sep 17 19:12:00 EDT 2010
**Please forgive cross posting.
Hello Everyone,
The Medical Library Association (MLA) is now accepting applications for The Donald A. B. Lindberg Research Fellowship<http://mlanet.org/awards/grants/>. The purpose of this fellowship is to fund research aimed at expanding the research knowledgebase, linking the information services provided by librarians to improved health care and advances in biomedical research. The endowment will provide a $10,000 grant, awarded by MLA through a competitive grant process, to a qualified health sciences librarian, informatician, health professional, researcher, educator, or health administrator. Research in alignment with MLA's research agenda's top ranked research questions is preferred over other areas of research and is located at http://www.mlanet.org/research/agenda_2008.html.
Applications for the Donald A. B. Lindberg Fellowship are due November 15, 2010!!
An application and more information about the fellowship can be accessed at www.mlanet.org/awards/grants/<http://www.mlanet.org/awards/grants/> or by contacting Lisa C. Fried, MLA's Credentialing, Professional Recognition and Career Coordinator at mlapd2 at mlahq.org<mailto:mlapd2 at mlahq.org>.
The awardee will be notified in late February 2011.
Patricia McNary
Electronic Services Librarian
Assistant Professor, Library and Learning Resources
Henrietta DeBenedictis Library
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
179 Longwood Ave.
Boston, MA 02115
617-732-2810; fax: 617-278-1566
patricia.mcnary at mcphs.edu
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