[Sigmed-l] Call for Papers/Demos: 1st ACM International Conference on Health Informatics (IHI)
Lai, Albert
Albert.Lai at osumc.edu
Mon Apr 12 20:25:03 EDT 2010
CALL FOR PAPERS, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
1st ACM International Conference on Health Informatics (IHI)
IHI 2010
November 11-12, 2010
Washington, DC
We cordially invite you to submit your contribution to the 2010 ACM International Conference on Health Informatics (IHI 2010).
IHI 2010 is ACM's premier community forum concerned with the application of computer and information science principles and information and communication technology to problems in healthcare, public health, the delivery of healthcare services and consumer health as well as the related social and ethical issues.
For technical contributions, IHI 2010 is primarily interested in end-to-end applications, systems, and technologies, even if available only in prototype form. Therefore, we strongly encourage authors to submit their original contributions describing their algorithmic and methodological contributions providing an application-oriented context. For social/behavioral scientific contributions, we are interested in empirical studies of health-related information needs, seeking, sharing and use, as well as socio-technical studies of heath information technology implementation and use. Topics of interest for this conference cover various aspects of health informatics, including but not limited to the following:
* Accessibility and Web-enabled technologies
* Analytics applied to direct and remote clinical care
* Assistive and adaptive ubiquitous computing technologies
* Biosurveillance
* Brain computer interface
* Cleaning, preprocessing, and ensuring quality and integrity of medical records
* Computational support for patient-centered and evidence-based care
* Consumer health and wellness informatics applications
* Consumer and clinician health information needs, seeking, sharing and use
* Continuous monitoring and streaming technologies
* Data management, privacy, security, and confidentiality
* Display and visualization of medical data
* E-communities and networks for patients and consumers
* E-healthcare infrastructure design
* E-learning for spreading health informatics awareness
* Engineering of medical data
* Health information system framework and enterprise architecture in the developing world
* Human-centered design of health informatics systems
* Information retrieval for health applications
* Information technologies for the management of patient safety and clinical outcomes
* Innovative applications in electronic health records (e.g., ontology or semantic technology, using continuous biomedical signals to trigger alerts)
* Intelligent medical devices and sensors
* Issues involving interoperability and data representation in healthcare delivery
* Keyword and multifaceted search over structured electronic health records
* Knowledge discovery for improving patient-provider communication
* Large-scale longitudinal mining of medical records
* Medical compliance automation for patients and institutions
* Medical recommender system (e.g., medical products, fitness programs)
* Multimodal medical signal analysis
* Natural language processing for biomedical literature, clinical notes, and health consumer texts
* Novel health information systems for chronic disease management
* Optimization models for planning and recommending therapies
* Personalized predictive modeling for clinical management (e.g., trauma, diabetes mellitus, sleep disorders, substance abuse)
* Physiological modeling
* Semantic Web, linked data, ontology, and healthcare
* Sensor networks and systems for pervasive healthcare
* Social studies of health information technologies
* Survival analysis and related methods for estimating hazard functions
* System software for complex clinical studies that involve combinations of clinical, genetic, genomic, imaging, and pathology data
* Systems for cognitive and decision support
* Technologies for capturing and documenting clinical encounter information in electronic systems
* User-interface design issues applied to medical devices and systems
Each contribution will be carefully evaluated by a set of reviewers, including experts with multidisciplinary experience spanning computing, information science, social and behavioral sciences, public health, medicine, and nursing as appropriate, to ensure that proper and comprehensive peer-review analysis and feedback can be provided to authors. Submissions will be judged on validity, originality, technical strength, practical and clinical significance, quality of presentation, and relevance to the conference topics.
Because of IHI's multidisciplinary nature, the review process will include at least a computing expert and a health expert as well as a review editor to reconcile the evaluation, making a single recommendation to the Program Committee Co-Chairs. This process is designed to ensure that experts from multiple areas can assess the importance and validity of the work. Therefore, we encourage coherent, application-driven submissions where in-depth ideas from a variety of fields are presented about important problems in health informatics.
The conference will accept both regular and short papers. Regular papers (6-10 pages in length) will describe more mature ideas, where a substantial amount of implementation, experimentation, or data collection and analysis will be described. Short papers (1-5 pages) can be less formal and will describe innovative ideas where minimal validation and implementation have occurred and can be described. All papers will appear in the ACM Digital Library. The best papers of IHI 2010 will be considered for a special issue of Springer's Journal of Medical Systems.
Submitted papers must not have appeared in, or be under consideration for, another conference, workshop, journal, or other target of publication.
All aspects of the submission and notification process will be handled electronically. Submissions must adhere to the following formatting instructions:
* Papers must adhere to the ACM Proceedings Format available for LaTex, WordPerfect, WordPerfect 9, and Word. Changing the template's font size, margins, inter-column spacing, or line spacing is prohibited. Each paper must be submitted as a single PDF file, formatted for 8.5" x 11" paper.
* The length of submission depends on the type of submission:
* Regular papers must be 6-10 pages long.
* Short papers may be at most 5 pages long.
* Each paper must provide an appendix (which is excluded from the page limit) indicating the preferred review approach, including:
* The preferred allocation of reviewing expertise. This can be done by electing the primary and secondary focus of the paper (e.g., Computing, Information Science, Medicine, Nursing, and Social/Behavioral Science).
* A bulleted list with up to 3 topics covered in the paper (from the list of conference topics presented above)
Abstract submission deadline: June 2, 2010 11:30pm EST
Paper submission deadline: June 4, 2010 11:30pm EST
Notification of acceptance: August 6, 2010 11:30pm EST
Camera-ready copy due: August 16, 2010 11:30pm EST
General Chair
Umit Catalyurek, Ohio State University (catalyurek.1 at osu dot edu)
Honorary General Chair
Gang Luo, IBM Research (luog at us dot ibm dot com)
Program Committee Co-Chairs
Henrique Andrade, IBM Research (hcma at us dot ibm dot com)
Neil R. Smalheiser, University of Illinois - Chicago (neils at uic dot edu)
Steering Committee Members
Dorin Comaniciu, Siemens Corporate Research
Michael D. Larsen, George Washington University
Ching-Yung Lin, IBM Research
Chunqiang Tang, IBM Research
YingLi Tian, City College of New York
Olivier Verscheure, IBM Research
Michael Weiner, Indiana University
Honorary Steering Committee members
Marion J. Ball, Johns Hopkins University & IBM Research
Joseph A. Konstan, University of Minnesota
Blackford Middleton, Partners Healthcare System & Harvard Medical School
Joel H. Saltz, Emory University
To be finalized
1st ACM International Conference on Health Informatics (IHI 2010)
IHI 2010
November 11-12, 2010
Washington, DC
We cordially invite you to submit your contribution to the demo track of the 2010 ACM International Conference on Health Informatics (IHI 2010).
The IHI demo track is an exciting and highly interactive way to demonstrate your health informatics system or application. Because of IHI's focus on end-to-end systems, whereby applied informatics is used to address the needs of health and healthcare applications, demos of innovative systems are solicited, which illustrate practical research or engineering contributions in an interesting and interactive manner.
The demo program will be featured prominently in the conference program and should be seen as a vehicle for researchers, practitioners, and commercial/industrial/non-profit institutions to showcase innovative new technologies or applications in health informatics.
The demo review process will look for practical uses of technology and also for a "wow" factor in all submissions. We encourage the description of early prototypes as long as they clearly present a coherent, end-to-end view of what the application might become once it gets deployed in production.
A submission proposal includes a demo paper and can optionally include a demo video, whose URL should be referred to in the textual demo description for reviewers to take into consideration when analyzing the submission. Note that the demo paper should differ from regular papers in several important aspects. First, it should clearly describe the overall architecture of the system or technology demonstrated. Second, the paper should put great emphasis on the motivation of the work, on the applications of the presented system or technology, and on the novelty of the work. Third, the proposal should clearly describe the demo scenario. In particular, it should describe how the demo audience can interact with the demo system, in order to obtain understanding of the underlying technology. For demos running over the web, a back-up scenario should be described, in case of low connectivity at the demo venue.
All topics described in the Call for Papers are eligible for demo track submissions.
All aspects of the submission and notification process will be handled electronically. Submissions must adhere to the following guidelines:
The author(s) name and affiliation(s) must be present in the submitted document. Any submitted demo proposal violating the length, file type, or formatting requirements will be rejected without review.
* Papers must adhere to the ACM Proceedings Format available for LaTex, WordPerfect, WordPerfect 9, and Word. Changing the template's font size, margins, inter-column spacing, or line spacing is prohibited. Each paper must be submitted as a single PDF file, formatted for 8.5" x 11" paper.
* The length of submission is 4 pages. This page limit includes all parts of the proposal: title, abstract, body, and bibliography.
* Each paper must provide an appendix (which is excluded from the page limit) indicating the preferred review approach, including:
* The preferred allocation of reviewing expertise. This can be done by electing the primary and secondary focus of the paper (e.g., Computing, Information Science, Medicine, Nursing, and Social/Behavioral Science).
* A bulleted list with up to 3 topics covered in the paper (from the list of conference topics)
The optional demo video should focus on illustrating the demo scenario and the interactive nature of the demo system. The video must be no more than three minutes in length and should start by clearly identifying the authors and title of the proposal. The video should be in common video format (e.g., MPEG, AVI), and should be playable on a wide variety of media players. We strongly encourage authors to produce and submit a demo video and such video will be linked off of the final program on the conference website.
The notification for acceptance of demo papers is the same as that for regular papers. Accepted demo proposals will appear in the final proceedings and in ACM digital library. Note that all deadlines are the same as for regular paper submissions.
Demo paper submission deadline: June 4, 2010 11:30pm EST
Notification of acceptance: August 6, 2010 11:30pm EST
Camera-ready copy due: August 16, 2010 11:30pm EST
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