[Sigmed-l] Patient-Centered E-Health - Call for Chapters
Leonard Davolio
ldavolio at mii.ucla.edu
Wed Nov 29 16:58:38 EST 2006
Cross-posted from AMIA's consumer health informatics working group mailing
list. Apologies if you receive multiple copies.
Proposal Submission Deadline: February 28, 2007
PATIENT-CENTERED E-HEALTH A book edited by Dr. Vance
Wilson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
healthcare providers and affiliated organizations are facing a patient
population that is increasingly health-conscious and Internet-dependent.
Although many providers have set up informational e-health websites,
patients and their caregivers want more. Drawing from their experiences with
other online industries, patients desire a wide range of e-health services,
including communication, consultation, peer-support, personal health record
management, and online access to scheduling, billing, lab results, insurance
handling, and prescription services. And as an increasing portion of medical
bills comes to be paid directly by patients, this brings opportunity and
incentive for patients to obtain the services they desire. Healthcare
providers will have to respond to patient-driven market pressures, and this
need motivates research and development in the area of patient-centered
This book is intended to define the emerging field of patient-centered
e-health. It will draw from multiple research disciplines to lay out a
foundation for future study, providing conceptual and theoretical
foundations as well as applied design examples.
Academic readers will represent researchers, teachers, and students in
supporting fields, including Health Informatics, Information Systems,
Computer Science, User-Centered Design, Health Sociology, and Health
Communications. Practitioner readers include health IT and e-health program
Suggested topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Conceptual Foundations, including
* What patients want in a changing world
* E-health and healthcare marketing
* Integrating e-health with health IS
* User-centered design in e-health
* E-health adoption and continued use
* Knowledge management in e-health
* Governmental policy and e-health
Design Applications, including
* Personal health records
* E-prescribing
* Patient-physician online communication
* Ubiquitous computing
* Online monitoring and diagnostics
* Peer-support applications
* Community and government applications
Prospective authors are invited to submit a 2-5 page manuscript proposal
explaining the topic and direction of the proposed chapter by February 28,
2007. Authors will be notified by March 31, 2007 regarding the outcome of
their proposals. Completed chapter manuscripts in MS Word format are due on
or before July 15, 2007. All reviews will be conducted on a double-blind
basis. The book is scheduled to be published by Idea Group Inc.,
www.idea-group.com, publisher of the Idea Group Publishing, Information
Science Publishing, IRM Press, CyberTech Publishing, and Idea Group
Reference imprints.
Inquiries and submissions (as attachments) should be sent by email to
vancewilson at gmail.com.
Dr. Vance Wilson
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0742
Phone: (414) 229-2519
Fax: (414) 229-5999
Email: vancewilson at gmail.com
Len D'Avolio
PhD Student
NLM Medical Informatics Fellow
Dept. of Information Studies
Dept. of Medical Informatics
University of California, Los Angeles
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