[Sighci-l] Reminder: Call for Papers/Abstracts: ASIST Workshop on Understanding Web search engine users - Deadline 15 September
Dirk Lewandowski
dirk.lewandowski at haw-hamburg.de
Tue Sep 9 11:26:29 EDT 2014
Apologies for cross-posting. Please distribute widely!
Call for Papers
Understanding Web search engine users
Workshop at the
77th Annual Meeting of the Association of Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T)
October 31, 2014, Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA
Organized by
Shari Thurow, Founder and SEO Director, Omni Marketing Interactive, USA
Dirk Lewandowski, Professor, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Matt Wallaert, Behavioral Scientist, Microsoft, USA
Many researchers are interested in internet search behaviour, both as a primary action and as a secondary source of data that reflects the what, how, and why of information seeking. But despite that interest, we still lack a systematic research agenda on search engine use and searcher behaviours, perhaps because the potential for the data is so broad and the fields of study being applied so vast that it is difficult to coordinate and discuss across disciplines.
Consequently, researchers usually focus on the methods popular in their fields, but are unaware of other methodological approaches and/or software tools that could help them achieve their research goals. Thus, by collaborating across disciplines, there is substantial opportunity to introduce new methods and research questions to investigators who are working along similar lines but without awareness of each other.
The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers from academia and industry, who are interested in understanding search engine use, both as a primary and secondary source to reflect on user behaviour. We are interested in discussing methods and results in various areas, aiming for establishing a research agenda for information science researchers interested in Web searching.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Theories of Web search engine user behaviours
* Evaluating search engine user interfaces
* Information retrieval evaluation methods applied to Web search engines
* Query log analysis
* Eye-tracking research
* User guidance in the search process
* Incorporating user behaviours into search engine optimization techniques
* Usability and user experience in Web searching
* Using and sharing information found through search engines
* Understanding user behaviours through triangulation of methods (e.g., transaction-log analysis, lab-based studies, online questionnaires, diary studies)
The workshop invites short research papers and position papers, as well. We also welcome overviews of relevant research done within a research group over the last few years. Accepted submissions will be presented in a 20-minute presentation. At least one presenter must be present at the event and register for the workshop. Extended abstracts and presentations will be made available on the workshop website. There will be no formal workshop proceedings.
Submissions should be in the form of extended abstracts (approx. 1,500 words) including references.
Please send your extended abstracts to the workshop organizers:
sthurow at search-usability.com
dirk.lewandowski at haw-hamburg.de
matt.wallaert at microsoft.com
Paper deadline: 15 September 2014
Notification of acceptance: 22 September 2014
Workshop: 31 October 2014
Prof. Dr. Dirk Lewandowski
Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg
(Hamburg University of Applied Sciences)
Fakultät Design Medien Information
Department Information
Finkenau 35
D - 22081 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 40-42875 3621
Fax: + 49 (0) 3222-1445 301
Skype: dirk.lewandowski
Twitter: @Dirk_Lew
Editor, Aslib Journal of Information Management (previously: ASLIB Proceedings)
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