[Sighci-l] Final CFP Symposium on Communicating Complex Information

Michael Albers mephitis.skunk at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 09:06:23 EDT 2012

The proposal deadline has been extended to October 1 since we have 
received some requests for more time.

Call for proposals
2nd Annual Symposium on Communicating Complex Information

February 25-26, 2013
East Carolina University
Greenville NC


Building on the success of the 2012 conference, the Symposium on 
Communicating Complex Information (SCCI) explores the relationships 
between and within the contexts that affect complex information, 
information design, information architecture, user experience, and 
usability.  It seeks to examine how design choices influence people's 
behavior when interacting with complex information, and how the 
knowledge of situation contexts improves the design of complex 
information systems. The intention of SCCI is to foster an integrated 
approach to the design of complex information by bringing together 
members of the various research and practitioner communities.

The future will see the design of information and communication 
technologies that serve ever more complex purposes and problems. For 
these technologies, creating user centered design is particularly 
challenging when users are engaged in sophisticated knowledge work and 
collaborations and do not want to become power users to conduct this 
work electronically. Goals of this workshop are to clarify what we 
already know about communicating complex information and clarify our 
understanding of what issues urgently need further research.

We hope to reach new insights about
-- The current major research issues that need to be addressed
-- Ways to transform research into practical applications

We want this workshop to maximize the exchange of information and ideas 
among the participants. The 2-day workshop will feature a highly 
interactive format with each participant giving a 15-20 minute 
presentation followed by a 20-30 minute discussion. We wish to encourage 
high interactivity and in-depth discussion about each topic.

Keynote address will be by Tharon Howard, Clemson University.

Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.

2 page proposal due: October 1, 2012 (extended)
Notice of acceptance: November 1, 2012
Papers for workshop due: February 1, 2013
Workshop dates: February 25-26, 2013

This workshop sponsored in part by
East Carolina University

Michael J. Albers albersm at ecu dot edu

Dr. Michael J. Albers
Technical and Professional Writing
Department of English
Mailstop 555
East Carolina University
Greenville NC  27858-4353

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