[Sighci-l] Call for Student Participants
Hanks, Kristin W
khanks at indiana.edu
Wed Jul 23 09:50:57 EDT 2008
**** Deadline for student working paper abstracts extended to September 1, 2008 ****
Participatory Design Conference Half Day Workshop
"Social Informatics and Participatory Design: Exploring ways to inform one another"
Keynote Speaker: Lucy Suchman
Details below and at:
Social Informatics and Participatory Design: Exploring ways to inform one another
Half day workshop for PDC
Keynote Speaker: Lucy Suchman
Kristin Hanks, Muzaffer Ozakca, and Kevin Makice, School of Informatics, Indiana University
Kathryn Clodfelter, School of Library Information Science, Indiana University
Workshop Goals:
1. examine how Social Informatics (SI) and Participatory Design (PD) focus on similar topics,
2. discover ways that these two research areas might better inform one another,
3. explore and share theories, experiences, methods, literature, and emerging work,
4. develop relationships between emerging scholars in PD and SI for future collective academic endeavors.
This workshop provides an excellent opportunity for student researchers to receive feedback about their ongoing research in addition to creating a forum for discussion which will benefit anyone interested in the multidisciplinary aspect of these two fields.
Student researchers will submit a 1-2 page abstract of a working paper describing a current research project relevant to both Social Informatics and Participatory Design. The abstract should include brief sections on goals, methods, theoretical orientation, and relevant literature. Organizers of the workshop will find common themes from the best 12 to 16 abstracts and create 3-5 break-out groups consisting of 2-4 papers each. Abstracts should be sent to Kristin Hanks (khanks at indiana.edu<mailto:khanks at indiana.edu>).
Note: This half day workshop is scheduled so it is also possible to participate in the afternoon half-day workshop titled Including Social Context when Broadening Computing Education - see information below
Maximum # of participants: 60
Submit abstract: Extended to 9/1
Notification: 9/15
Including Social Contexts when Broadening Computing Education
Half day workshop for PDC 2008
Vincenzo D'Andrea, Faculty of Sociology and Department of Information Science and Engineering
David James Hakken, School of Informatics, Indiana University
Erik Stolterman, School of Informatics, Indiana University and formerly Department of Informatics, Umeå University, Sweden
Workshop Goals:
To create a rich discussion of the various methods, practices, and other relevant matters of interest regarding the social perspectives which should be integrated into educational programs in computing and information/communication technology,
To share information about the approach, successes, and problems with diverse, actual, programs that attempt to do so,
To identify those approaches which seem most likely to work, and
To take initial steps toward creating a network to support such attempts.
People who want to participate in the workshop are requested to write a brief abstract identifying what in their view are the three social topics of most importance to include in IT/computer science education, the three socially-related skills of most importance and, regarding both lists, why. These should be sent to David (dhakken at indiana.edu<https://www.exchange.iu.edu/owa/UrlBlockedError.aspx>) Vincenzo (vincenzo.dandrea at unitn.it<https://www.exchange.iu.edu/owa/UrlBlockedError.aspx>) and Erik (estolter at indiana.edu<https://www.exchange.iu.edu/owa/UrlBlockedError.aspx>).
This 10th PDC seems a propitious time to try to develop a sense of: What works, what doesn't, and under what circumstances. In particular, the discussion in this workshop should dovetail well with the discussions that will take place in a similar, student initiated workshop on “Social Informatics and Participatory Design: Exploring ways to inform one another.” The two will be scheduled so it is possible also to
participate in both.
Maximum # of participants: 24
Submit statement: 8/1
Notification: 8/15
Additional details at:
More details can be found at: http://pdc08.informatics.indiana.edu/pre_conference.html
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