[Sighci-l] CFP: The international IEEE Conference SITIS'05
Richard CHBEIR
richard.chbeir at u-bourgogne.fr
Sat May 21 13:28:44 EDT 2005
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The 2005 IEEE International Conference on
Sponsored by IEEE (co-sponsorship of AUF, approval pending)
November 27th - December 1st 2005
The Hilton Hotel
Yaoundé, Cameroon
SITIS 05 is a joint event consisting of major conference tracks. It aims to
provide a
forum for high quality presentations and discussions among researchers,
academic leaders,
and practitioners from all over the world and for sharing experiences in the
expanding and related fields of Internet based computing, information
technologies and
signal and image processing.
The conference tracks on Internet Based Systems and Applications will focus
on emerging
and novel concepts, architectures and methodologies for information
The Internet and the related technologies have created an interconnected
in which information can be exchanged easily, tasks can be processed
communities of users with similarly interests can be formed to achieve
and improve performance.
Taking full advantage of these interconnected environments to meet the ever
needs of emerging application requires solutions that address new issues and
Novel architectures are being proposed to allow resource sharing and
distributed processing
of data with increasing complexity. Peer to peer computing, mobile
information systems,
semantic based applications, and decision support systems are a few examples
of these
applications and systems. One major objective of SITIS 05 is to foster
exchanges between
researchers from developing countries and other researches.Both theoretical
and practical
experience papers are solicited in the following topics.
* Data semantics
Multiple Representation
Conceptual Data Modeling
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Evolution and Change
Web Semantics and Semi Structured Data
Semantic Caching
Data Warehousing and Semantic
Semantics in Data Visualization
Semantic Services for Mobile Users
Applications of Semantic-Driven Approaches
* Information System Interoperability
Digital Libraries
Semantic Interoperability and Semantic Mediators
Ontologies Based Systems
Contextual Reasoning in Distributed Ontologies
* Emergent semantics
Context-Dependent Semantics
Contextual Reasoning in Distributed Ontologies
Ontologies Based Systems
Contextual Reasoning in Distributed Ontologies
Context-Dependent Semantics
Communication in Multi-Agents Systems
Emergent Semantic Interoperability in Large-Scale Systems
Emergent Semantics in Content Retrieval Systems
* Cooperative information systems and Distributed Systems
Information Sharing
Grid Applications
P2P Computing and Applications
Knowledge and Semantic Grid
Semantics Of Peer Data Management Systems
Mobile Information Systems and Computing
* Web-Centric Systems
Semantic Web and Web Service
Web Services and Service Computing
Semantics of web services Compositions
Hypermedia and Adaptation
E-Commerce and E-Learning
Data Mining Methods and Web
Machine Learning
* Advanced Information Systems and Applications
Spatial Modeling and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
GIS and Sustainable Development
Environmental GIS
GIS and Remote Sensing
Urban GIS
Spatial, temporal modeling semantics
* Multimedia and application
Image and Video Databases
Image and Video Indexing and Retrieval
Emergent Semantics in Content Retrieval Systems
Semantics and Meta Data in Multimedia Systems
Content-Based Indexing, Search, and Retrieval of Multimedia Data
Approximate Search Techniques and the Quality of Answers
High-Dimensional Clustering for Indexing
Query Languages and Query Processing for Multimedia Retrieval
Multimedia Data Modeling and Visualization
Tools, Benchmarks, Evaluation Protocols and Standards
* Information security
Security Modeling and Protocol
Intrusion Avoidance, Detection, and Response
Web Security and Supporting Systems Security
Denial of Service: Attacks and Countermeasures
Intellectual Property Protection
Fundamental Services on Network and Distributed Systems
Security and Privacy for Emerging Technologies
Trust based systems
You are invited to submit full length papers, not exceeding 10 pages in
in two-column format including diagrams and references, following IEEE
guidelines. Papers that do not follow these guidelines may be rejected
consideration of their merits. Papers must be submitted electronically at
conference website in PDF format.
All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of
technical quality,
originality, clarity,and relevance to the track topics below. Accepted
papers will be
published in the conference proceedings. At least one author of each paper
attend the workshop to present the paper.
Selected papers from the conference will be considered for possible
publication in
several journals with topics relevant to some of the conference tracks,
- The Journal on Data Semantics (Springer Verlag in LNCS series)
- The international Journal of Data and Information Management (JDIM)
Abstract submission June 8th, 2005
Proposals for Tutorials June 15th, 2005
Paper submission June 15th, 2005
Notification of acceptance August 15th, 2005
Final version paper with registration September 15th, 2005
General Chairs
S. Spaccapietra (EPFL, Switzerland)
E. Tonye (ENSP, Cameroon)
Track Chair
Richard Chbeir (U. Bourgogne, France)
Tutorials and Publicity Chair
K. Yetongnon (U. Bourgogne, France)
Local Arrangement Committee
C. Tangha (ENSP, Cameroon)
P. Ele (ENSP, Cameroon)
H. Gwet (ENSP, Cameroon)
A. Tiedeu (ENSP, Cameroon)
E. Kamgnia (U. Yaoundé 1, Cameroon)
D. Ndongo (U. Douala, Cameroon)
E. Ondoua (ENSP, Cameroon)
E. Ntsama (U. Ngaoundere, Cameroon)
Technical Program Committee
Ferda Nur Alpaslan (METU, Turkey)
Guy Alain Amoussou (Humboldt State University, USA)
R. Joly Assako Assako (U. Douala, Cameroon)
Solomon Atnafu (U. Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia)
Damienne Bajon (SUPAERO, France)
Aziz Barbar (AUST, Lebanon)
George Bebis (U. Nevada, USA)
Itzhak Benenson (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Djamal Benslimane (IUT-A LYON, France)
Nozha Boujemaa (INRIA, France)
Azzedine Boulmakoul (U. Mohamedia, Morocco)
Nikolaos G. Bourbakis (ITRI, USA)
Lionel Brunie (INSA Lyon, France)
Krzysztof Cetnarowicz (U. of Science and Technology Krakow,
Christophe Claramunt (Ecole Navale Brest, France)
Nadine Cullot (U. Bourgogne, France)
Pierre Ele (U. Yaounde I, Cameroon)
Damiani Ernesto (U. of Milan, Italy)
Ali Frihida (Ecole d'Ingenieur de Tunis, Tunisia)
Faez Gargouri (Université de Sfax, Tunisia)
Hisham Haddad (Kennesaw State University, USA)
Ramzi Haraty (LAU, Lebanon)
Rachida Houssa (INRH, Casablanca Morrocco)
Genevieve Jomier (U. Paris-Dauphine, France)
Ahmed Karmouch (U. of Ottawa, Canada)
Brigitte Kerhervé (UQAM, Canada)
Tiemoman Koné (U. dAbidjan-Cocody, Ivory Coast)
Ousmane Koné (IRIT, France)
Harald Kosch (U. Klagenfurt, Austria)
Abder Koukam (UTBM, Belfort France)
Jaroslaw Kozlak (U. of Science and Technology Krakow,
Louis Legrand (U. Bourgogne, France)
Nashat Mansour (LAU, Lebanon)
Ernesto Martinez (U. Technologica National, Argentina)
Ali Mili (NJIT, USA)
Din Ndongo (U. Douala, Cameroon)
Christophe Nicolle (U. Bourgogne, France)
Edouard Ondoua (U. Yaounde I, Cameroon)
Vincent Oria (NJIT, USA)
Ekow Otoo (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
Tamer Ozsu (U of Waterloo, Canada)
P. Pichappan (Annamalai University, India)
Samuel Pierre (Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada)
R. Ramachandran (Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering,
Shin'ichi Satoh (NII, Tokyo, Japan)
Michel Scholl (CNAM, France)
Fabrizio Silvestri (ISTI, CNR, Italy)
Zahir Tari (RMIT, Australia)
Philippe Thiran (TUE, The Netherlands)
Christelle Vangenot (EPFL, Switzerland)
Osmar Zaiane (U. of Alberta, Canada)
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