[Sighci-l] Re: Sighci-l Digest, Vol 3, Issue 2

Lisa Kirschner (Flair) lkirschner at flaircreative.com
Thu Dec 2 12:22:32 EST 2004

I am currently out of the office. I will be on maternity leave until 01/03/05 and will not have access to email or voice mail. Please contact the following individuals in my absence:

Billing/Invoicing Issues:
Mary Mitoraj
mmitoraj at flaircreative.com

Project-Related (Zebra):
Peggy Peterson
ppeterson at flaircreative.com

Project-Related (Slide Sledge):
Lisa Cowgill
lcowgill at flaircreative.com

Project-Related (Other):
Cynthia Abat
cabat at flaircreative.com

General Inquiries:
info at flaircreative.com

Thank you!


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