[Sigcrit-l] reading recommendations
Ron Day
roday at indiana.edu
Thu Oct 27 01:45:52 EDT 2005
_Interactions_ is calling for papers....
Also, I don't know if I recommended on this list Bernd Frohmann's book,
_Deflating Information_, particularly the second chapter on Information
Seeking and Information Behavior, which should be required reading in
all LIS programs. This is an important book and well worth your time
reading. I'd also like to also highly recommend Rom Harre' and Michael
Tissaw's _Wittgenstein and Psychology: A Practical Guide_ which provides
in a simple, easy to read and comprehend form the critique of cognitive
psychology that Harre has been expressing for years in terms of
"discursive psychology.". It serves as a good antedote to the "cognitive
turn" in (L)IS.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: InterActions: UCLA Journal - Call for Papers
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 11:04:22 -0700
From: Ajit Pyati <akpyati at GMAIL.COM>
Reply-To: Open Lib/Info Sci Education Forum <JESSE at LISTSERV.UTK.EDU>
InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies
(http://www.interactions.gseis.ucla.edu) is accepting submissions for
Volumes 2 and 3. The deadline for submissions is January 6, 2006. The
following is our current Call for Papers:
Please post and forward as appropriate......
InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies is a
peer-reviewed electronic journal
[http://www.interactions.gseis.ucla.edu/] that is committed to the
promotion of scholarly work that examines areas of education and
information studies via interdisciplinary and critical frameworks. A
critical framework is any approach that expands our notion of
traditional analyses of problems and issues. The journal seeks to link
diverse theoretical and practical projects, as well as provides a space
to record the voices of emerging scholars (graduate students and
postdoctoral fellows), activists, and practitioners.
As education and information institutions continue to face challenging
times, we seek to promote submissions that engage alternative,
liberatory possibilities informed by creative theories, methodologies,
practices, and visions. In particular, we encourage submissions that:
∑ Extend conventional areas of study through critical and
interdisciplinary frameworks: These areas include, but are not limited
to: bilingual education, affirmative action, special education,
standards and testing, teacher education, school violence, higher
education, social research methodology, information retrieval, access,
systems and institutions, etc.
∑ Utilize an interdisciplinary framework: Draw upon traditional fields
of study (such as policy, sociology, information-seeking and retrieval,
pedagogy, evaluation, psychological development, etc.) or provide
insight from diverse disciplines (e.g., legal theory, ethnic studies,
women's studies, technology studies, etc.).
∑ Incorporate critical frameworks and address issues of social inequities:
These frameworks may include, but are not restricted to, feminism,
critical race theory, Marxism, post-colonialism, critical pedagogy,
queer studies, disability studies, etc. Whether or not submissions
utilize critical frameworks, they should demonstrate innovation and
commitment to advancing current analyses and discourses in progressive
Deadlines: For Volumes 2 and 3, January 6, 2006.
Submission Guidelines: All articles undergo a double-blind peer-review.
Please visit the website for detailed submission guidelines. Manuscripts
that do not abide by the submission guidelines will be returned to the
author. Please contact interactions at gseis.ucla.edu
<mailto:interactions at gseis.ucla.edu> for more details.
Please send an electronic version of your submission in Word or Rich
Text (rtf) format to: interactions at gseis.ucla.edu
<mailto:interactions at gseis.ucla.edu>. Send four paper copies of your
submission to:
InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies
UCLA - Graduate School of Education & Information Studies
2933 Mathematical Sciences Building - Box 951521
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521
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