[Sigcrit-l] Fw: Paul Ricoeur, the philosopher who contributed so much to interpretation theory, hermeneutics, died last Friday
Lew Hassell
Lew.Hassell at cis.drexel.edu
Sun May 22 15:12:17 EDT 2005
Gadamer, Derrida, now Ricoeur
Lewis Hassell, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Drexel University
College of Information Science and Technology
3141 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
Phone: 215-895-2492
Fax: 215-895-2494
Email: Lew.Hassell at cis.drexel.edu
"where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge, where is the knowledge we
have lost in information?"
T.S. Eliot, The Rock
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Paul Ricoeur, the philosopher who
contributed so much to
interpretation theory,
hermeneutics, died last Friday
Dear members of the SIG Philosophy
Paul Ricoeur, the philosopher who contributed so
much to interpretation theory, hermeneutics, died
last Friday
He taught at the University of Chicago from 1970
to 1985, after being the Dean of Nanterre
University, Paris
His masterpiece, ‘Time and Narrative’ (1983),
questions History and Human Sciences, though the
philosophical discipline of hermeneutics, or
theory of interpretation. This philosophy is the
basis of interpretivism in Information Systems
(Boland, 1991, Klein and Myers 1999), but also of
Interpretive Archaeology (Tilley, 1993, Thomas,
His influence in Information Systems, after the
inaugural paper of Dick Boland at the IFIP
working Group 8.2 Conference, was developed by
the MISQ Best Paper Award of Klein and Myers.
This paper allowed so many interpretivist papers
to be published and so many PhD student to dare
undertaking interpretive research in IS, even in
Paris University: thanks Heinz and Michael!
One of the specialists of Ricoeur, Michael Myers,
is responsible for the wonderful ISworld page on
qualitative research, where he presents
For hermeneutics, for ever !
Ricoeur, P. (1983) Time and Narrative, the
University of Chicago Press
Klein, H. K. and Myers, M. D. (1999) “A Set of
Principles for Conducting and Evaluating
Interpretive Field Studies in IS”, MIS Quarterly,
Vol. 23, n° 1, pp. 67-94, March
Boland, R. J. (1991), " Information Systems Use
as a Hermeneutic Process ". In Nissen, H.E.,
Klein, H. et Hirschheim, R. (eds.), Information
Systems Research : Contemporary Approaches and
Emergent Traditions, North-Holland, Amsterdam, p.
Tilley, C. (Ed.). (1993). Interpretive
Archaeology. Berg. Oxford.
Thomas, J. (Ed.). (2000). Interpretive
Archaeology. Leicester Press University.
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